A popular part of the library collection is the Local History section. Many of the handwritten histories were deteriorating, so in 1995, they were entered into a computer database, then printed into a loose-leaf book, with each page inserted into a sheet protector, so that patrons who visit the library may make copies of the pages that are of particular interest to them. Below are links to some of these same histories. We trust that you will find them of interest. In order to open the histories, Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer.
- Keithley, Claude; HowShoepegGotItsName
- Leger, Evelyn; HistoryMiddleValley
- Linder, Myrtle; LinderKeithleyPioneersMidvale
- Linder, WH; LinderTale
- Nally, Dorothy; WereTheyTheGoodOldDays
- Parke, Adelia; History
- Parke, Adelia; MidvaleSchoolHistory
- ChildhoodMemories
- FamilyWerePioneers
- Parke, Eliz; IndianScare
- Potter, Otis; FamilyHistory
- Reynolds, EthelAder; Letter
- Snider, Lola; Doggett, HildaHistory
- Sutton, Paul, SailingNotDrifting
- Turnbaugh, Lee; Letter
- Anon; HistoryofSrClass1929-1933
- Anon; HouseOf Shaw
- Anon; MidvaleHS1911-1916
- Anon; MidvalePostmasters
- Anon; MinistersOfMidvaleBaptistChurch
- Bonner, Terry; ChurchOfChristHistory
- Bruce, Mrs.Cecil; 400AttendMidvaleSchoolReunion
- Carr, Kathy; CenturyOfRemembering
- Carr, Kathy; MiddleValleyIndianWars
- Carr, Kathy; MidvaleCentennial, Bears& Scares
- Coats, Nancy; HistoryOfMidvaleHS
- Colson, Edith; History
- FairviewSchoolReunion1990
- Fox, Maxine; MiddleValleyHistory
- Frazier, GladysPotter; History
- Fretwell; OregonInCoveredWagon_0
- Goertner, BerthaWiggins; Memories
- Grubb, Earl; NamesCanBeFunny
- Hallstrom, AbbieLorton; PrayingTraveler
- Hoppers, Battershell, Curts, Rhoadarmer; BaptistChurch
- Horning, Marjorie; SalemSchool